View Site #163

LocationZalake 1
Site NameWadi Zalake
Area CodeM
UTM Coordinates59911929
ITM Coordinates5388087
DescriptionHead of wadi, Nabatean and Greek inscriptions (U. Avner); one Georgian inscription (S. Gur-Lavy). Hadbes in the 27 km. area at the head of the wadi. Some are very large. Predominantly Nabatean inscriptions and Greek. One Georgian inscription copied by U. Avner. Inscriptions lightly incised. The site is actually 3 groups of hadbes scattered over a large area. One five-line Arabic inscription (U. Avner, Sinai Diary, 164). S. Gur-Lavy: very numerous hadbes at Zalake 1 and Ras Zalake with many inscriptions and drawings.