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Displaying 121-130 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
416OHA66CIAOrbeli, H.A. et al.CORPUS INSCRIPTIONUM ARMENICARUM 0ErevanAcademy of Sciences1966 ArmenianView
344FJB36CIJFrey, J.B.Corpus Inscriptionum Judaicarum 2/1/2011RomaPontifico istituto di archeolo????1936 LatinView
662CIS2 Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum 2ParisThe French Academy  FrenchView
385TVA60CPJTcherikover, V.A., et alCorpus Papyrorum Judaicarum 3/1/2011CambridgeHarvard University Press1960 EnglishView
529GR78CDSGiveon, R.Corrected Drawings of the Sahuré and Sesostris I.Inscriptions from the Wadi KharBulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research232  197876-78EnglishView
104DG84DGDestunis, G.Daniel, Greek.Pravoslavnyj Palestinskij Sbornik0  188423/1/2011PolishView
659OB??DHAOded, B.Darb el-Hawarneh - An Ancient Rouse 0   191-197EnglishView
247JA05GMJacoby, A.Das geographische Mosaik von Madaba  LeipzigDieterich1905 GermanView
407RB65HLRothenberg, B.Das heilige Land 97  1965 GermanView
431LM68KSJLehmann, M.Das Katharinenkloster auf Sinai, Ein Juwel Byzantinischer KunstOrienus Christianus52  1968138-151GermanView