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Displaying 161-170 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
138SHA93WFFStewart, H.A. (ed.)The Wanderings of Felix Fabri 0LondonPalestine Pilgrim Text Society1893 EnglishView
139RGB93ISLde Rossi, Giovanni B.INCRIZIONE IN SCRITTURA E LINGUA NABATEA 0Roma 1893 ItalianView
140SHB94DBMSchick, H. B. and Bliss, F.J.Discovery of a Beautiful Mosaic Pavement North of JerusalemPalestine Exploration Fund, Quarterly Statement26  1894257-261EnglishView
141HPAM94VBAHeber-Percy, A.M.A Visit to Bashan and Argob  Londres????1894 EnglishView
142EW95GOIEwing, W.Greek and other inscriptions collected in the HauranPalestinian Exploration Journal0  189541-60EnglishView
143GDRP95Germer-Durand, R.P.Exploration épigraphique de GerasaRevue Biblique3  1895374-400FrenchView
144GH95MAIGuthe, H.Mosaiken mit Armenischen Inschrift auf dem OelbergMitteillungen und Nachrichten des deutschen Paläst1  189553GermanView
145MAS95MAIMurray, A.S.The Mosaic with the Armenian Inscription from near the Damascus Gate, JerusalemPalestine Exploration Fund, Quarterly Statement27  1895126-127EnglishView
146OA95MAIOwsepian, A.Mosaik mit armenischer Inschrift im Norden JerusalemsZeitschrift des Deutschen Palaestina-Vereins18  189588-90GermanView
147RR95LPFRohricht, R. (ed.)Liber Peregrinationis Fr. J. de VeronaRevue de l'orient latin3  1895227-228FrenchView