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Displaying 181-190 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
229LM03SKLidzbarski, M.Semitische KosenamenEphemeris für semitische Epigraphik2  190323/1/2011GermanView
239LE04SILittmann, E.Semitic Inscriptions.Publication of an American Archeological Expedition to Syria 1899-19004/1/2011New-YorkBrill1904 EnglishView
351HG39SPRHorsfield, G. and A.Sela-Petra, the Rock, of Edom and NabateneQuarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine8  193987-115EnglishView
650BJ91SSDBrinkley, J.Secrets of Sinai are Discovered, AgainInternational Herald Tribune23/5/91  1991 EnglishView
590TCC81SDCTaylor, C.C.Secrets of a dark Cover-upSCIENCE YEAR-WORLD BOOK0  1981 EnglishView
11SD11SHHSeetzen, Herren von HammerFUNDGRABEN DES ORIENTS2  1811474GermanView
418FA66SCMFrova, A.Scavi Di Caesarea Maritima  RomaL'Erma di Bretschneider1966 ItalianView
528FGHWK78Forsyth, G.H. and Weitzmann, K.Saving the Mount Sinai MosaicsBiblical Archaeology Review4(4)  197816-31EnglishView
343MZE36SNSMezaius, Z.E.Sacred Names, Saints, Martyrs and Church Officiate iPapyrus Reclaiming to the Christian Chrch of Pales????0Athens????1936 EnglishView
1BC35SBaly, C.S#BAITAPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement0   172-173EnglishView