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Displaying 11-20 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
434CC68SBCraviotti, C.El Sinai BiblicoRevista Biblica30Buenos Aires 1968????SpanishView
442CC69SBCraviotti, C.El Sinai BiblicoRevista Biblica31Buenos Aires 1969????SpanishView
91CCR82CCRConder, C. R.Captain Conder's Reports [on wasems]PEFQS   18829?-99EnglishView
207CGC01MHIClermont-Ganneau, C.Manboug-Hièrapolis dans les inscriptions nabatéennesRecueil d'archéologie orientale4  190199-112FrenchView
498GRGA75EREGiveon, R. and A. GorenEgyptian Relief from the Early Kingdom in SouthernKadmoniot7  197598-101EnglishView
336LE30MCRLoukianoff, E.Le musée du couvent Russe du Mont des Oliviers à JérusalemBulletin de l'Institut d'Egypte13  193097-101FrenchView
487GA74EERGoren, A.Early Egyptian Relief in SinaiHadashot Archaeologiot48  197496HebrewView
381AYM60CNEAvi-Yonah, M. and NeCity of the Negeb: Excav. in Nabatean, Roman and BIllustrated London News0 London1960944EnglishView
655MJP??SNHMigne, J.-P.De situ et nom. HebrPatriologia Latina23   944FrenchView
185HCA98VKPHornstein, C.A.A visit to Kerak and PetraPalestine Exploration Quarterly30  189894-103EnglishView