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Displaying 191-200 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
405STS64PPCSkeat, T.S.Papyri from Panopolis in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin 0DublinHodges, Figgis1964 EnglishView
572SME80SJOStone, M.E.Signs of the Judgment, Onomastica Sacra and GeneraUniversity of Pennsylvania Armenian Texts and Stud3Chico, CAScholars Press1980 EnglishView
410SAK65ACSSanjian, A.K.The Armenian Communities in Syria under Ottoman dominionHarvard Middle Eastern Studies10Cambridge MassHarvard University Press1965 EnglishView
284MO10ECMarucchi, O.Epigrafia cristiana  CambridgeCambridge University Press1910 EnglishView
288LAS12FMSLewis, A.S.The Forty Martyrs of the Sinai Desert and the Story of EulogiosHorae Semiticae9CambridgeCambridge University Press1912 EnglishView
557DGI79WWGDavies, G.I.The Way of the Wilderness: A Geographical Study of the Wilderness Itineraries inThe Society for Old Testament Study????5Cambridge 1979 EnglishView
68PEH71DEPalmer, E.H.The Desert of the Exodus  CambridgeDeighton, Bell1871 EnglishView
330CMP24TRCCharlesworth, M.P.Trade-Routes and Commerce of the Roman Empire 0CambridgeCambridge University Press1924 EnglishView
121DC88TADDoughty, C.Travels in Arabia Deserta 1CambridgeCambridge University Press1888 EnglishView
128LSG90PMLe Strange, G.Palestine under the Moslems  CambridgeThe Riverside Press1890 EnglishView