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Displaying 201-210 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
118HJ85TDMHalévy, J.Trois divinités méconnues du panthéon IduméonabEtudes archéologiques0Leiden 1885183FrenchView
378AAG59HAPAbrahayman, A.G.History of Armenian Paleography 0ErevanUniversity Press1959 ArmenianView
124NKU89Nylander, K.U. (ed.)ENEMAN.RESA I ORIENTEN 1711-1712???? 0Upsala 1889 GermanView
381AYM60CNEAvi-Yonah, M. and NeCity of the Negeb: Excav. in Nabatean, Roman and BIllustrated London News0 London1960944EnglishView
386GHAR60AGibb, H.A.R., et alAylaThe Encyclopaedia of Islam (new ed.)0LeidenBrill1960784EnglishView
135BP92RISBerger, P.Remarques sur l'inscription Sinai des trois Augustes,avRevue critique d'histoire et de litérature0  1892489-493FrenchView
138SHA93WFFStewart, H.A. (ed.)The Wanderings of Felix Fabri 0LondonPalestine Pilgrim Text Society1893 EnglishView
139RGB93ISLde Rossi, Giovanni B.INCRIZIONE IN SCRITTURA E LINGUA NABATEA 0Roma 1893 ItalianView
397RB62GWRothenberg, B.God's Wilderness 0New-York - ToroThames and Hudson1962 EnglishView