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Displaying 211-220 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
521NA77AESNibbi, A.Ancient Egyptians in the SinaiPalestine Exploration Quarterly109(2)  1977125-128EnglishView
565BJR80RWWBartlett, J.R.Review of G.I. Davies. "The Way of the Wilderness: a geographical study of the wilderness itineraries in the Old Testament (SOTS mono. ser. 5). 1979.Palestine Exploration Quarterly12(2)  1980138-140EnglishView
356KGE41NSDKirk, G. E.The Negev,or Southern Desert of PalestinePalestine Exploration Quarterly61  1941????EnglishView
136CRE92NSIConder, Major R.E.The Sinaitic InscriptionsPalestine Exploration Quarterly24  189242-44EnglishView
163HG97JPHill, G.A Journey to Petra, 1896Palestine Exploration Quarterly   1897134-144EnglishView
185HCA98VKPHornstein, C.A.A visit to Kerak and PetraPalestine Exploration Quarterly30  189894-103EnglishView
491MZ74NRAMeshel, Z. and Tzafrir, Y.The Nabataean Road from Avdat to Sha'ar RamonPalestine Exploration Qauterly107(11) Midreshet Sde Boker19743-21,103-118HebrewView
313OJ19NIPOfford, J.A Nabataean Inscription concerning Philip, Tetrarch of Auranitis On-Anu HeliopolPalestine Exploration Fund. Quarterly Statement51  1919123-132EnglishView
628TJE87DJBTaylor, J.E.A Graffito Depicting John The Baptist in Nazareth?Palestine Exploration Fund.119(2)  1987142-148EnglishView
140SHB94DBMSchick, H. B. and Bliss, F.J.Discovery of a Beautiful Mosaic Pavement North of JerusalemPalestine Exploration Fund, Quarterly Statement26  1894257-261EnglishView