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Displaying 221-230 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
458NA71RISNegev, A.Rock Incisions in SinaiKadmoniot4  197121-24HebrewView
457MZ70MRIMeshel, Z.The Meaning of the Rock Inscriptions and Drawings in South SinaiTeva ve-Aretz125  197161-67HebrewView
456LB71ISPLifshitz, B.Inscriptions de Sinai et de PalestineZeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik7(2)  1971151-163FrenchView
455LB71ATNLifshitz, B.Ancient Tombstones from Nothern SinaiAntiquities of Sinai2  197124-26HebrewView
454GA71SKGoren, A.Serabit el-KhademHadashot Archaeologiot38  197132-33HebrewView
453GA71SGoren, A.SinaiHadashot Archaeologiot39  197130-32HebrewView
452GA71ARSGoren, A.Archeological Research in SinaiHadashot Archaeologiot38  197131-32HebrewView
451AY71KRIAharoni, Y.Khirbet Raddana and its InscriptionIsrael Exploration Journal21  19717/1/2011EnglishView
450GG70SLOGrester, G.Sinai, Land der Offenbarung 0Zurich 1970 GermanView
449RB70CSSRothenberg, B.The Calculitian Settlement in SinaiSinai-A Collection of Articles Tel-AvivThe Department of Geography in197035HebrewView