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Displaying 231-240 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
220NF02RIMNau, F.Le récits inédits du moine Anastase sur les saitsRevue de l'institute catholique de Paris Paris????1902 FrenchView
332MA26NHTMusil, A.The Northern Hegâz. A Topographical ItineraryAmerican Geografical Society Oriental Explorations and Studies1New-York 1926321-322EnglishView
355MMA40SPMurray, M.A. and Ellis, J.C.A Street in Petra  LondonBritish School of Archaeology1940 EnglishView
145MAS95MAIMurray, A.S.The Mosaic with the Armenian Inscription from near the Damascus Gate, JerusalemPalestine Exploration Fund, Quarterly Statement27  1895126-127EnglishView
314MWJ19GAEMoulton, W.J.Gleanings in Archaeology and EpigraphyAnnual of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem1Jerusalem 191966-92EnglishView
265MB08AAPMoritz, B.Ausflüge in der Arabia PetraeaMélanges de l'Universite Saint Joseph de Beyrouth3  1908387-436GermanView
297MB13EAMoritz, B.Écriture ArabeEncyclopédie de l'Islam0Leiden,ParisBrill1913387FrenchView
308MB16SHMoritz, B.Der Sinaikult in heidnischer ZeitAbhandlungen der Geschichte des Wissenschafts zu Göttingen16(2)Berlin 19161/1/1964GermanView
8MEW66LWWMontague, E.W.A act of his Journey froPhilological Transactions56  176640-57EnglishView
644MH90TNOMisgav, H.Two Notes on the Ostraca from Óorvat ªUzaIsrael Exploration Journal40(2-3)  1990215-217EnglishView