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Displaying 21-30 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
349WCB38GCDWelles, C.B.Gerasa, City of the Decapolis, C.H. Kraeling (ed.) 0New Haven 1938 EnglishView
396WCB62ENWelles, C.B.Excavations at Nessana  London 1962 EnglishView
503WKW75GETWeitzmann, K.W.A Group of Early Twelfth-Century Sinai Icons, AttrFestschrift0EdinburghRice, D.T.197547-63EnglishView
401WK63MCSWeitzmann, K. and S+The Moses Cross at SinaiDumbarton Oaks Papers17  1963385-398EnglishView
269WR08PSEWeill, R.La presqu'ile du Sinai,étude de géographie et d'histoire  Paris 1908 FrenchView
61WC69RPWWarren, CharlesReports on Progress of Works at Jerusalem and Elsewhere in the Holy LandPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement1  1869 EnglishView
62WC69VDSWarren, CharlesA Visit to the Dead SeaPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement   1869147-48EnglishView
673WXXWarrenThe Plan of Philistia       View
555WG79BRRWalser, G.Battlefields and Roads; from the Romano-ByzantineSinai0 Berne, Ku+mmerly and Frey1979 EnglishView
81WWH77SCIWaddington, W.H., anSyrie centrale, inscriptions sémitiques 0Paris 1877 FrenchView