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Displaying 331-340 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
652KR91TIJKotansky, R.Two Inscribed Jewish Aramaic Amulets from SyriaIsrael Exploration Journal41(4)  1991267-81EnglishView
653NA91TOENegev, A.The Temple of Obodas: Excavations at Oboda in July 1989Israel Exploration Journal41(1-3)  199162-80EnglishView
400NJ63OHINaveh, J.Old Hebrew Inscriptions in a Burial CaveIsrael Exploration Journal13  196374-92EnglishView
402NA63NIAONegev, A.Nabatean Inscriptions from ‘Avdat (Oboda)Israel Exploration Journal13JerusalemIsrael Exploration Society1963113-124EnglishView
411AY66HOTAharoni, Y.Hebrew Ostraca from Tel AradIsrael Exploration Journal16  19667/1/2011EnglishView
414YS66HOYeivin, S.A Hieratic Ostracon from Tel AradIsrael Exploration Journal16(3)  1966153-59EnglishView
419AN67AITAvigad, N.Aramaic Inscriptions in the Tomb of JasonIsrael Exploration Journal17  1967101-111EnglishView
420BP67IGTBenoit, P.L'inscription grecque du tombeau de JasonIsrael Exploration Journal17  1967112-113FrenchView
421LBA69NHOLevine, B.A.Notes on a Hebrew Ostracon from AradIsrael Exploration Journal19  196749-51EnglishView
422NA67NDNNegev, A.New Dated Nabatean Graffiti from the SinaiIsrael Exploration Journal17  1967250-255EnglishView