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Displaying 391-400 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
167VM97NEAVogüé, M. deNote d'epigraphie araméenneJournal asiatique10  1897197-217FrenchView
189VM98NEAVogüé, M. deNotes d'epigraphie araméenneJournal asiatique2  1898129-146FrenchView
211CJB01IBChabot, J.B.Sur une inscription bilingue, nabate+nne et grecqueJournal asiatique0  1901412FrenchView
244CGC05NINClermont-Ganneau, C.Une nouvelle inscription nabatéenne de BostraJournal Asiatique   1905363-367FrenchView
179CGC98ONIClermont-Ganneau, C.Observations sur les nouvelles inscripions nabatéennes de PetraJournal Asiatiques2  1898523-535FrenchView
465CJD72MMVCooney, J.D.Major Macdonald - a Victorian RomanticJournal of Egyptian Archaeology58  1972280-285EnglishView
171BRP98EBSBosanquet, R.P.Excavations of the British School at MelosJournal of Hellenic Studies18.10000000000000142  189870EnglishView
267TC08NCHTorrey, C.A New Copy of the High-Place Inscription in PetraJournal of the American Oriental Society29  1908197-202EnglishView
254TC07IHPTorrey, C.An Inscription from the High-Place of the Goddess aJournal of the American Oriental Society28  1907349-351EnglishView
499MP75ONNMayerson, P.Observation on the Nilus Narrationes,Evidence for an Unknown Christian sect?Journal of the American Research Center in Aegypt12  197551-74EnglishView