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Displaying 401-410 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
284MO10ECMarucchi, O.Epigrafia cristiana  CambridgeCambridge University Press1910 EnglishView
516MP76IMSMayerson, P.An Inscription in the Monastery of St. Catherine and the Martyr Tradition in SinDumbarton Oaks Papers30Washington, DC 1976375-379EnglishView
531MP78PECMayerson, P.Procopius or Eutychius on the Construction of the Monastery at Mount Sinai: WhicBulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Resea230  197833-38EnglishView
570MP80ANBMayerson, P.The Ammonius Narrative: Bedouin and Blemmye Attacks in SinaiThe Biblical World   1980133-148EnglishView
594MP82PRMMayerson, P.The Pilgrim Routes to Mount Sinai and the ArmeniansIsrael Exploration Journal32  198244-57EnglishView
383MP60AARMayerson, P.The Ancient Agricultural Remains of the Central Negeb:Methodology and Dating CriBulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Resea160  196027-37EnglishView
394MP62ENAMayerson, P.Excavations at Nessana: (Auja Hafir, Palestine)  JerusalemBritish School of Archaeology1962 EnglishView
398MP63DSPMayerson, P.The Desert of Southern Palestine According to Byzantine SourcesProceedings of the American Philosophical Society107  1963160-172EnglishView
404MP64FMAMayerson, P.The First Muslim Attacks on Southern Palestine (A.D. 633-634) 45  1964155-199EnglishView
499MP75ONNMayerson, P.Observation on the Nilus Narrationes,Evidence for an Unknown Christian sect?Journal of the American Research Center in Aegypt12  197551-74EnglishView