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Displaying 451-460 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
467GA72ENGoren, A.Excavations in NawamisHadashot Archaeologiot41  197246-48HebrewView
454GA71SKGoren, A.Serabit el-KhademHadashot Archaeologiot38  197132-33HebrewView
453GA71SGoren, A.SinaiHadashot Archaeologiot39  197130-32HebrewView
452GA71ARSGoren, A.Archeological Research in SinaiHadashot Archaeologiot38  197131-32HebrewView
363GA55MTSGuillou, A.Le monastère de la Théotokos au SinaîÉcole Francaise de Rome,Mélanges d'Archéologie et d'Histoire67  1955217-258FrenchView
184FS98BFraenkel, S.Aus einen Briefe...desselben an C.BezoldZeitschrift für Assyriologie und Verwandte Gebiete12  1898400-404GermanView
126FS90MFraenkel, S.MiscellenWiener Zeitschrift für die kunde der Morgenlandes4  1890332-341GermanView
567FR80TCBFrankel, R.Three Crusader Boundary Stones from Kibbutz ShomratIsrael Exploration Journal30(3-4)  1980199-201EnglishView
251FPWM06RSFlinders Petrie, W.MResearches in Sinai  LondonMurray1906 EnglishView
547FM79SJSFarkash, M.The Slopes of Jebel Sirbal and the Area of Wadi HibSurvey of Nature and Landscape (Seqer teva ve-nof)0 ha-hevrat le-haganat ha-teva1979 HebrewView