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Displaying 451-460 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
114NA85SNDNeubauer, A.On Some newly-discovered Temanite and Nabataean InscriptionsStudia Biblica1  1885209-232EnglishView
626NJ87UPINaveh, J.Unpublished Phoenician Inscriptions from PalestineIsrael Exploration Journal37(1)  198725-30EnglishView
115RM85RAARiess, M.Reste eines alten armenischen Klosters auf dem Ölberg und die daselbst aufgefundZeitschrift des Deutschen Palaestina-Vereins8  1885155-161GermanView
371AY58NJAharoni, Y.The Negeb of JudahIsrael Exploration Journal8  195826-38EnglishView
627PE87ISPPuech, E.Une inscription syriaque palestinienne, note additionnelleLiber Annus, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum37  1987349-352FrenchView
116VM85SDVogüé, M. deLa stèle de Dhme+rComptes rendus de l'académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres13  188545-52FrenchView
372AY58TREAharoni, Y.Tamar and the Roads to ElathEretz Israel5  1958129-134HebrewView
628TJE87DJBTaylor, J.E.A Graffito Depicting John The Baptist in Nazareth?Palestine Exploration Fund.119(2)  1987142-148EnglishView
373AYM58EBPAvi-Yonah, M.The Economics of Byzantine PalestineIsrael Exploration Journal8  195845-46EnglishView
374MJT58NINMilik, J.T.Nouvelles inscriptions nabatéennesSyria35  1958227-251FrenchView