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Displaying 481-490 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
481RES73GMIRosenthal, E.S.The Givªat ha-Mivtar InscriptionIsrael Exploration Journal23  197372-81EnglishView
482SM73AIESharon, M.Arabic Inscription from the Excavation at the Western WallIsrael Exploration Journal23 (4)  1973214-220EnglishView
483AAG73APAbrahayan, A.G.Armenian Palaeography 0ErevanUniversity Press1973 ArmenianView
484TY73DDSTsafrir, Y.Dunayevsky's Drawings of St. Catherine's Monastery in SinaiEretz Israel11JerusalemIsrael Exploration Society197330-38HebrewView
485MZ73CRDMeshel, Z.Concentration of Rock Drawings and Inscriptions in South SinaiSouthern Sinai - Summary of survey Tel-AvivThe Institute for Development1973 HebrewView
486BD80BIEBRG????, D.The boundary between Israel and Egypt in an inscription from the year 233 CEQadmoniot25/6  197443-44HebrewView
487GA74EERGoren, A.Early Egyptian Relief in SinaiHadashot Archaeologiot48  197496HebrewView
488GR74EOSGiveon, R.Egyptian Objects from Sinai in Australian MuseumsThe Australian Journal of Biblical Archeology2(3)  197429-47EnglishView
489GR74IEMGiveon, R.Investigations in the Egyptian Mining Centers in Sinai, Preliminary ReportTel-Aviv1  1974100-108EnglishView
490GR74SRSGiveon, R.A Second Relief of Sekhemkhet in SinaiBulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research216  197417-20EnglishView