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Displaying 41-50 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
579MZ80ASMeshel, Z. and Finkelstein I.Antiquities of Sinai  Tel-AvivHakibbutz Hameuchad1980 HebrewView
580MZ80WISMeshel, Z.Were the Inscriptions in Sinai Written by Nabatean?Antiquitie of Sinai0Tel-AvivHakibbutz Hameuchad1980379-383HebrewView
581NA80ISSNegev, A.Inscriptions of Southern SinaiQadmoniot of Sinai, Meshel,Z. and Finkelstein, I. (eds.) Tel-AvivHakibbutz Hameuhad1980333-378HebrewView
345YS37SISIYeivin, S.Sinaitic inscriptionBIES5 (1-2)  193710/1/2011HebrewView
601LI82SSRLachish, I. and Z. MeshelSouth Sinai Researches 1967-1982 0Tel-AvivSociety for the Protection of Nature1982 HebrewView
347MB38OCIMaizler, B.An old Canaanite inscription from ShekhemBulletin of the Israel Exploration Society6 (1)  193842-43HebrewView
358YH46TJPYaari, H.Travels of Jewish Pilgrims to Eretz Israel 0Tel-Aviv 1946 HebrewView
615PJ85CRJPatrich, J.Caves of Refuge and Jewish Inscriptions on the Cliffs of Nahal MichmasEretz Israel18  1985153-166HebrewView
362AY53RRAAharoni, Y.The Roman road to Aila (Elath)Eretz Israel2  1953113-116HebrewView
366AE56DHBAnati, E.Depiction of Human Beings in Ancient Rock DrawingsBulletin of the Israel Exploration Society18  195612/1/2011HebrewView