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Displaying 531-540 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
41UP56IIRSUspenskij, P.INSCRIPTIONS...SUR LES ROCHERS DU SINAI+ 0Petrograd 1856 FrenchView
553RS79RHSRatie, S.Le reine Hatchepsout; Source of problèmesOrientalia Monspeliensia1  1979 FrenchView
298YG13AWAYovse+pi`an, G.The Art of Writing among the Armenians 1Valas+apatS. Etchmiadzin1913 ArmenianView
555WG79BRRWalser, G.Battlefields and Roads; from the Romano-ByzantineSinai0 Berne, Ku+mmerly and Frey1979 EnglishView
45WJG60RHTWetzstein, J.G.Reisebericht über Hauran und die Trachonen Hebst einem Anhange über die Sabäisch  Berlin 1860 GermanView
557DGI79WWGDavies, G.I.The Way of the Wilderness: A Geographical Study of the Wilderness Itineraries inThe Society for Old Testament Study????5Cambridge 1979 EnglishView
558AGV79HSAbgaryan, G.V.History of Sebëos 0ErevanAcademy of Sciences1979 ArmenianView
47LL61VPSLottin de LavalVoyage dans la Péninsule Sinaî  Paris????1861 FrenchView
304WCL14WZWoolley, C.L., and Lawrence, T.E.The Wilderness of ZinPalestine Exploration Fund Annual3LondonPalestine Exploration Fund1914 EnglishView
560BB79-1GTWBernstein, B.A Great and Terrible Wilderness - I (Sinai)The New York er0New YorkViking Press1979 EnglishView