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Displaying 571-580 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
395LA62AEMLucas, A. and Harris, J.R.Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries  LondonE.Arnold1962 EnglishView
396WCB62ENWelles, C.B.Excavations at Nessana  London 1962 EnglishView
157CGC96ARPClermont-Ganneau, C.Archaeological Researches in Palestine during the years 1873-1874 2/1/2011LondonThe Committe of the Palestine1896 EnglishView
417CDJ66DCChitty, D.J.The Desert: A City 0LondonOxford1966 EnglishView
191BFJ98EJBliss, F.J.Excavations at Jerusalem,1894-1897 0LondonThe Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund1898 EnglishView
464WJ71ETWilkinson, J.Egeria's Travels  LondonS.P.C.K.1971 EnglishView
251FPWM06RSFlinders Petrie, W.MResearches in Sinai  LondonMurray1906 EnglishView
141HPAM94VBAHeber-Percy, A.M.A Visit to Bashan and Argob  Londres????1894 EnglishView
365UDB55SVAUbach, Don B.El Sinaí Viatge per l'Arábia Pètria cercant les petjades d'Israel  Montserrat 1955 FrenchView
349WCB38GCDWelles, C.B.Gerasa, City of the Decapolis, C.H. Kraeling (ed.) 0New Haven 1938 EnglishView