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Displaying 601-610 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
114NA85SNDNeubauer, A.On Some newly-discovered Temanite and Nabataean InscriptionsStudia Biblica1  1885209-232EnglishView
337WH30SMGWuthnow, H.Die semitischen Menschennamen in griechischen Inscriften und Papyri des vorderenStudien zur Epigraphik und Papyruskunde4LeipzigDieterich1930 GermanView
544FM79MMAFarkash, M.Mountainous Mining Area in Western Sinai and its Immediate EnvironsSurvey of Nature and Landscape (Seqer teva ve-nof)0 ha-hevrah le-haganat ha-teva1979 HebrewView
546FM79SJBFarkash, M.The Slopes of Jebel BebSurvey of Nature and Landscape (Seqer teva ve-nof)  ha-hevrat le-haganat ha-teva1979 HebrewView
547FM79SJSFarkash, M.The Slopes of Jebel Sirbal and the Area of Wadi HibSurvey of Nature and Landscape (Seqer teva ve-nof)0 ha-hevrat le-haganat ha-teva1979 HebrewView
545FM79NGHFarkash, M.Northern Gush Ha-preªahSurvey of Nature and Landscape (Seqer tevaª ve-nof)  ha-hevrat le-haganat ha-teva1979 HebrewView
374MJT58NINMilik, J.T.Nouvelles inscriptions nabatéennesSyria35  1958227-251FrenchView
527BAI78ESKBeit-Arie, I.Explorations at Serâbit el-Khâdim 1977Tel-Aviv5  1978170-187EnglishView
530GR78LLIGiveon, R.A Long Lost Inscription of Thutuiosis IVTel-Aviv5  1978170-174EnglishView
533SB78TPUSass, B.Two Previously Unknown Proto-Sinaitic InscriptionsTEL-AVIV5  1978183-187EnglishView