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Displaying 641-650 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
515PJ76AJCPrawer, J.The Armenians in Jerusalem under the CrusadersArmenian and BIblical Studies1JerusalemSt. James1976222-236EnglishView
443SME69MLAStone, M.E.The Manuscript Library of the Armenian Patriarchate in JerusalemIsrael Exploration Journal19JerusalemSt. James Press196920-43EnglishView
309MK16IRMiller, K.Itineraria Romana 0StuttgartStrecker und Schroeder1916 LatinView
290HFR12FNNHorskins, F.R.From the Nile to Nero 0PhiladelphiaSunday School Times1912 EnglishView
532NA78NISNegev, A.Nabatean Inscriptions in Southern SinaiTen Years for Researches about Sinai  Tel-Aviv University197814-117HebrewView
536BY78NSSBar-YosefNeolithic Sites in South SinaiTen Years of Researches in South Sinai2.67Tel-AvivTel-Aviv University19781-2;73HebrewView
192GP98IHSGeyer, P.Itinera Hierosolymitana saeculi  PragaeTempsky1898 FrenchView
397RB62GWRothenberg, B.God's Wilderness 0New-York - ToroThames and Hudson1962 EnglishView
323PWK22GLIPrentice, W.KGreek and Latin InscriptionsPublications of the Princeton University Archaeological Expedition to3New YorkThe Century1922 EnglishView
157CGC96ARPClermont-Ganneau, C.Archaeological Researches in Palestine during the years 1873-1874 2/1/2011LondonThe Committe of the Palestine1896 EnglishView