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Displaying 661-670 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
637MH88IJDMicheland H. and RaItinéraires à Jérusalem et descriptions de la Terre Sainte rédigés en français a  GenevaFick1988 FrenchView
638CGW88FIJClarke, G.W.Funerary Inscriptions near Jousseff Pasha, North SyriaAbu-Nahrain26LeidenBrill198819-29EnglishView
639AS88FTNAinger, S.Finds throw new light on Islamic historyThe University of Sydney News20SydneyUniversity News Service198829-30EnglishView
640HM89PRWHaiman, M.Preliminary Report of the Western Highlands Emergency SurveyIsrael Exploration Journal39 (3-4)  1989173-191EnglishView
641KKA89EWSKitchen, K.A.An Early West-Semitic Epigraph on a Scarab from Tell Abu Zureiq?Israel Exploration Journal39(3-4)  1989278-280EnglishView
643AU90AASAvner, UziAncient Agricultural Settlement and Religion in the Uvda Valley in Southern IsraelBiblical ArchaeologistSept.  1990125-141EnglishView
644MH90TNOMisgav, H.Two Notes on the Ostraca from Óorvat ªUzaIsrael Exploration Journal40(2-3)  1990215-217EnglishView
645YA90NJAYardeni, A.New Jewish Aramaic OstracaIsrael Exploration Journal40(2-3)  1990130-132EnglishView
646DSLJP90Di Segni, L. and J. PatrichThe Greek Inscriptions in the Cave Chapel of Horvat Qasra (with English summary)`Atiqot10Jerusalem 1990141-154HebrewView