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Displaying 251-260 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
496GR75LREGiveon, R.A Late Ramesside Epithet of ThotGottinger Miszellen17  197523-25EnglishView
497GR75TIRGiveon, R.Two Inscriptions of Ramsses IIIsrael Exploration Journal25  1975247-249EnglishView
511GR76TCNGiveon, R.Two Critical Notes concerning SinaiGottingen Miszellen20  197623-25EnglishView
512GRGA76DISGiveon, R. and A. GorenThe 12th-13th Dynasties in Israel and Sinai, New DFourth Archaeological Congress in Israel, Abbrevia0  197614EnglishView
498GRGA75EREGiveon, R. and A. GorenEgyptian Relief from the Early Kingdom in SouthernKadmoniot7  197598-101EnglishView
58GJ69ENGlidemeister, J.Epigraphische NachlesenZeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft23  1869150-158GermanView
647GH90KDGoldfus, HaimKhallat ed-Danabîyeh: a Desert MonasteryChristian Archaeology in the Holy Land. New Discoveries. Archaeological Essays in Honour of Virgilio C. Corbo. Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Collectio Maior 36 JerusalemFranciscan Printing Press1990227-244EnglishView
667GS??SRMGoldsmith, S.Synagogue Remains at the Mound of Kefar Qarnaim 0   39-40EnglishView
577GA80NSSGoren, A.The Nawamis in Southern SinaiQadmoniot Sinai Tel-AvivHakibbutz Hameuhad1980243-264HebrewView
452GA71ARSGoren, A.Archeological Research in SinaiHadashot Archaeologiot38  197131-32HebrewView