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Displaying 51-60 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
536BY78NSSBar-YosefNeolithic Sites in South SinaiTen Years of Researches in South Sinai2.67Tel-AvivTel-Aviv University19781-2;73HebrewView
159BJ97NGPBarch, J.Die Nabatäische Grabinschrift von PetraAmerican Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatu13  1897267-278GermanView
565BJR80RWWBartlett, J.R.Review of G.I. Davies. "The Way of the Wilderness: a geographical study of the wilderness itineraries in the Old Testament (SOTS mono. ser. 5). 1979.Palestine Exploration Quarterly12(2)  1980138-140EnglishView
20BEFF40IVLBeer, E.F.F.Inscriptiones veteres litteriset lingua hucusque incognitis ad montem Sinai magn???? 0LeipzigBarth1840 Latin??View
292BG13??Beer, G. Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft47  1913561GermanView
527BAI78ESKBeit-Arie, I.Explorations at Serâbit el-Khâdim 1977Tel-Aviv5  1978170-187EnglishView
539BAI79SSBeit-Arie, I.Sinai Survey (1978-1979)Israel Exploration Journal29  1979256-257EnglishView
475BAI73CISBeit-Arie, I.Completion of the Information about the SettlementHistorical conclusions from archaeological survey0  19736/5/2011HebrewView
476BAI73NSSBeit-Arie, I.Nabi-Salah (Southern Sinai)Israel Exploration Journal23  1973108EnglishView
256BGL07SDSBell, G.L.Syria: the desert and the sown 0LondonWilliam Heinemann1907 EnglishView