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Displaying 101-110 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
578KA80SPLKloner, AmosSurvey of places and landscape of north-west SinaiQadmoniot Sinai Tel-Avivha-Kibbutz ha-Meuhad1980199-230HebrewView
577GA80NSSGoren, A.The Nawamis in Southern SinaiQadmoniot Sinai Tel-AvivHakibbutz Hameuhad1980243-264HebrewView
576DML80INSDiez Marino, L.Las Inscriptiones Nabateas del SinaiLiber Annuus - Studii Biblici Franciscani19Tel-AvivHakibbutz Hameuchad1980????ItalianView
575PA80DKBPrevulotsky, AviDesert Kites at the Base of Jebel GunnaQadmoniot Sinai Tel AvivKibbutz ha-Meuchad1980289-294HebrewView
574FI80NCSFinkelstein, I.The northern coast of the Sinai--Geographical-historical aspectsQadmoniot Sinai Tel Avivha-Kibbutz ha-Meuhad1980181-197HebrewView
573PE80IEAPuech, E.Une inscription éthiopienne ancienne au Sinaï (Wadi Hajjaj)Revue Biblique87(4)JerusalemÉcole Biblique1980597-601FrenchView
572SME80SJOStone, M.E.Signs of the Judgment, Onomastica Sacra and GeneraUniversity of Pennsylvania Armenian Texts and Stud3Chico, CAScholars Press1980 EnglishView
571SB80DPSSass, B.The Date of the Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions 0 Israel Exploration Society, 7t198023EnglishView
570MP80ANBMayerson, P.The Ammonius Narrative: Bedouin and Blemmye Attacks in SinaiThe Biblical World   1980133-148EnglishView
569KJ80SACKaplan, J.A Samaritan Amulet from CorinthIsrael Exploration Journal30(3-4)  1980196-98EnglishView