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Displaying 11-20 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
668HJ??INUHalévy, J.Inscription Nabatéenne D'Umm et-Rusas 0????????  FrenchView
667GS??SRMGoldsmith, S.Synagogue Remains at the Mound of Kefar Qarnaim 0   39-40EnglishView
666GM??Gichon, M.The Limes in the negev 0   149-166EnglishView
665CAQ??CAQ????Les Chateaux Arabes de Queseir `amra, Karanch et TMission Archéologique en Arabie3 La Société Francaise des Fouil  FrenchView
664??NAP???Negev Archaeological Project--Early Arab Period. Content Analysis and archaeolo 0    EnglishView
663SME85FFAStone, M.E.Four Further Armenian Epigraphs from the SinaiJournal of the Society for Armenian Studies2  198573-83EnglishView
662CIS2 Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum 2ParisThe French Academy  FrenchView
661SME??AISStone, M.E.Armenian Inscriptions in Southern Sinaipaper in typed manuscript form0    EnglishView
660SM??AISSharon, M.Arabic Inscriptions from Sde BokerArchaeological Survey of Israel (the Map of Easter0   87-9HebrewView
659OB??DHAOded, B.Darb el-Hawarneh - An Ancient Rouse 0   191-197EnglishView