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Displaying 131-140 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
73RE73DINRenan, E.Note sur Deux Inscriptions NabatéennesJournal asiatique1  1873313-323FrenchView
21RE41BRPRobinson, E.Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai And Arabia Petra 3/1/2011LondonMurray1841 EnglishView
12RE16SHHRüpell, E.Auszug eines Herrn von HammerFUNDGRUBEN DES ORIENTS.5  1816427-433GermanView
603RD83QORokeah, D.Qasramet: The OstraconIsrael Exploration Journal23  198393-96EnglishView
552RD79JSRabinovits, D.Jebel Sirbal 0 ha-hevrah le-haganat ha-teva1979 HebrewView
551RB79TCPRothenberg, B.Turquoise, Copper and Pilgrims: Archaeology of SouSinai0 Berne, Ku+mmerly and Frey1979 EnglishView
550RB79SPMRothenberg, B. (ed.)Sinai: Pharaohs, Miners, Pilgrims and SoldiersSinai  Berne1979 EnglishView
559RB79CCSRothenberg, B. and Ordeuflich, I.A Comparative Chronology of Sinai, Egypt and PalestineBulletin, Institute of Archaeology, London University16LondonLondon University1979233-237EnglishView
549RB79BTRothenberg, B. and O.Badiat el-Tih, the Desert of Wanderings: ArchaeoloSinai0 Berne, Ku+mmerly and Frey1979 EnglishView