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Displaying 401-410 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
322HGF22CGCHill, G.F.Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Arabia, Mesopotamia and Persia. A Catalogue of t????  LondonTrustees of the British Museum1922 EnglishView
163HG97JPHill, G.A Journey to Petra, 1896Palestine Exploration Quarterly   1897134-144EnglishView
351HG39SPRHorsfield, G. and A.Sela-Petra, the Rock, of Edom and NabateneQuarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine8  193987-115EnglishView
290HFR12FNNHorskins, F.R.From the Nile to Nero 0PhiladelphiaSunday School Times1912 EnglishView
16HF24NVEHenniker, F.Notes during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis Boeris, Mount Sinai and Jerusale 0LondonMurray1824 EnglishView
271HF09SAHommel, Fr.Zur Semitischen AltertumskundeFlorilegium Melchior de Vogüé   1909279-301GermanView
185HCA98VKPHornstein, C.A.A visit to Kerak and PetraPalestine Exploration Quarterly30  189894-103EnglishView
134HC91JVAHuber, C.Journal d'un voyage en Arabie (1883-1884)La société asiatique et la société de géographie????Paris 1891 FrenchView
105HC84IRAHuber, C.Inscriptions Recueillies dans l'Arabie Centrale,18Bulletin de la société de géographie (Ser. 7)5  1884289-303FrenchView
35H55ZBMHitzigÜber die zwiete der von Blau mitgetheilten Inschriften aus PetraZeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft9  1855737-739GermanView