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Displaying 261-270 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
61WC69RPWWarren, CharlesReports on Progress of Works at Jerusalem and Elsewhere in the Holy LandPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement1  1869 EnglishView
324BV24DMTBenes+evic+, V.Sur la date de la mosaïque de la TransfigurationByzantion1  1924151,notes1FrenchView
73RE73DINRenan, E.Note sur Deux Inscriptions NabatéennesJournal asiatique1  1873313-323FrenchView
332MA26NHTMusil, A.The Northern Hegâz. A Topographical ItineraryAmerican Geografical Society Oriental Explorations and Studies1New-York 1926321-322EnglishView
333AK28SMAAmantos, K.Sinai+tika+ Mne+meia AnekdotaHelle+nika Parate+ma1  192848-49GreekView
80PG77NMSPetra, Giulo deNota dei Monumenti Scritti Orientalli es isteni neBOLLETINO ITALIANO DEGLI STUDII ORIENTALI, nova se1  187716-18ItalianView
110CGC85CNDClermont-Ganneau, C.Le cippe nabatéen de d'meir, l'introduction en SyrRecueil d'archéologie orientale1  188548-74FrenchView
114NA85SNDNeubauer, A.On Some newly-discovered Temanite and Nabataean InscriptionsStudia Biblica1  1885209-232EnglishView
121DC88TADDoughty, C.Travels in Arabia Deserta 1CambridgeCambridge University Press1888 EnglishView
144GH95MAIGuthe, H.Mosaiken mit Armenischen Inschrift auf dem OelbergMitteillungen und Nachrichten des deutschen Paläst1  189553GermanView