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Displaying 551-560 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
635VR88BAWVentura, R.Bent Axis or Wrong Direction. Studies on the Temple of Serabit el-KhadimIsrael Exploration Journal38(3)  1988128-138EnglishView
453GA71SGoren, A.SinaiHadashot Archaeologiot39  197130-32HebrewView
640HM89PRWHaiman, M.Preliminary Report of the Western Highlands Emergency SurveyIsrael Exploration Journal39 (3-4)  1989173-191EnglishView
641KKA89EWSKitchen, K.A.An Early West-Semitic Epigraph on a Scarab from Tell Abu Zureiq?Israel Exploration Journal39(3-4)  1989278-280EnglishView
337WH30SMGWuthnow, H.Die semitischen Menschennamen in griechischen Inscriften und Papyri des vorderenStudien zur Epigraphik und Papyruskunde4LeipzigDieterich1930 GermanView
593GR82PIGiveon, R.Protosinaitische InschriftenLexikon der Ägyptologie4????????1982 GermanView
126FS90MFraenkel, S.MiscellenWiener Zeitschrift für die kunde der Morgenlandes4  1890332-341GermanView
389NA61DANegev, A.The Discoveries at Avdat (about Ancient AgriculturTeva ve-aretz4  196161-62HebrewView
200CGC01ASNClermont-Ganneau, C.L'année sabbatique des nabatéens et l'origine des inscriptions sinaïtiques et saRecueil d'archéologie orientale4  1901187-192FrenchView