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Displaying 361-370 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
288LAS12FMSLewis, A.S.The Forty Martyrs of the Sinai Desert and the Story of EulogiosHorae Semiticae9CambridgeCambridge University Press1912 EnglishView
475BAI73CISBeit-Arie, I.Completion of the Information about the SettlementHistorical conclusions from archaeological survey0  19736/5/2011HebrewView
263KB08KGKeil, B.Über kleinasiatische GrabinschriftenHermes43  1908566-577GermanView
33SUJ54RSPSeetzen, U. J.Reisen durch Syrien, Palästina, Phönicien, die Transjordan Länder, Arabia PetraeHerausgegeben und Commentirt Von Pr. Dr. Fr. Kruse Berlin 185480GermanView
333AK28SMAAmantos, K.Sinai+tika+ Mne+meia AnekdotaHelle+nika Parate+ma1  192848-49GreekView
410SAK65ACSSanjian, A.K.The Armenian Communities in Syria under Ottoman dominionHarvard Middle Eastern Studies10Cambridge MassHarvard University Press1965 EnglishView
648OB90AIOtzen, BenediktLes objets de la période dite syro-hittite (âge du fer), par P.J. Riis et Marie-Louise Buhl, avec les contributions de Simo Parpola et de Benedikt Otzen. Appendix 2: The Aramaic InscriptionsHama. Fouilles et recherches de la Fondation Carlsberg 1931-1938. II 2.II.2Ko/benhavnThe National Museum of Denmark – Nationalmuseet1990267-318EnglishView
291AG13VNAnrich, G. (ed.)Vita NicolaiHagios Nikalaos0????????1913 GreekView
433RB68SCSRothenberg, B.A Survey in Central SinaiHadashot Archaeologiot24  196848-9HebrewView
446RB70SSSRothenberg, B.Surveys in Southern Sinai, the Expedition to the DHadashot Archaeologiot34  197030-31HebrewView