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Displaying 281-290 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
484TY73DDSTsafrir, Y.Dunayevsky's Drawings of St. Catherine's Monastery in SinaiEretz Israel11JerusalemIsrael Exploration Society197330-38HebrewView
504BAP75EHGBar-Adon, P.An Early Hebrew Graffito in a Judaean Desert CaveEretz Israel12JerusalemIsrael Exploration Society197577-80HebrewView
506NA75IR5Negev, A.Inscriptions on Rock no. 5 in Wadi Haggag, SinaiEretz Israel12JerusalemIsrael Exploration Society1975132-141HebrewView
507NJ 75TINNaveh, J.Thamudic Inscriptions from the NegevEretz Israel12JerusalemIsrael Exploration Society1975129-131HebrewView
614PE85IACPuech, E.Une inscription araméene sur un couvercle de sarcophageEretz Israel, Yigael Yadin Memorial Volume20 Israel Exploration Society1985161-165FrenchView
473AY73RIMAharoni, Y.Remarks on the "Israeli" Method of ExcavationEretz-Israel11  197348-53HebrewView
474AYM73HMPAvi-Yonah, M.The Haditha Mosaic PavementEretz-Israel11  197345-47EnglishView
477EC73SAMEpstein, C.The Sacred Area at Megiddo in Stratum XIXEretz-Israel11  197354-57EnglishView
118HJ85TDMHalévy, J.Trois divinités méconnues du panthéon IduméonabEtudes archéologiques0Leiden 1885183FrenchView
149CGC95KKNClermont-Ganneau, C.Kopros et le Kophra des nabatéensEtudes d'archéologie orientale1ParisLeroux1895146-148FrenchView