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Displaying 181-190 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
634PM88CKKPiccirillo, M. and A.-J. ªAmrA Chapel at Khirbet el-Kursi - AmmanLiber Annuus, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum38  1988361-382EnglishView
635VR88BAWVentura, R.Bent Axis or Wrong Direction. Studies on the Temple of Serabit el-KhadimIsrael Exploration Journal38(3)  1988128-138EnglishView
380AY60ADAAharoni, Y.,Evenari, M. Shanan, L. and Tadmor, N.H.The Ancient Desert Agriculture of the NegevIsrael Exploration Journal10  196023-36EnglishView
636OB88PFAOtzen, BenediktPetitionary Formulae in the Aramaic Inscriptions from HamaZeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft100BerlinGruyter1988233-243EnglishView
381AYM60CNEAvi-Yonah, M. and NeCity of the Negeb: Excav. in Nabatean, Roman and BIllustrated London News0 London1960944EnglishView
382CRL60ECHCleveland, R.L.The Excavation of the Conway High-Place (Petra) and soundings at Khirbet AderAnnual of the American Schools of Oriental Research34-35  1960????EnglishView
638CGW88FIJClarke, G.W.Funerary Inscriptions near Jousseff Pasha, North SyriaAbu-Nahrain26LeidenBrill198819-29EnglishView
383MP60AARMayerson, P.The Ancient Agricultural Remains of the Central Negeb:Methodology and Dating CriBulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Resea160  196027-37EnglishView
639AS88FTNAinger, S.Finds throw new light on Islamic historyThe University of Sydney News20SydneyUniversity News Service198829-30EnglishView
128LSG90PMLe Strange, G.Palestine under the Moslems  CambridgeThe Riverside Press1890 EnglishView