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Displaying 121-130 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
110CGC85CNDClermont-Ganneau, C.Le cippe nabatéen de d'meir, l'introduction en SyrRecueil d'archéologie orientale1  188548-74FrenchView
473AY73RIMAharoni, Y.Remarks on the "Israeli" Method of ExcavationEretz-Israel11  197348-53HebrewView
333AK28SMAAmantos, K.Sinai+tika+ Mne+meia AnekdotaHelle+nika Parate+ma1  192848-49GreekView
11SD11SHHSeetzen, Herren von HammerFUNDGRABEN DES ORIENTS2  1811474GermanView
25N47VMSNewbold,Visit to Mt. Sinai Prefixed by a Brief Geological SThe Madras Journal of Literature and Science14  184747-73EnglishView
503WKW75GETWeitzmann, K.W.A Group of Early Twelfth-Century Sinai Icons, AttrFestschrift0EdinburghRice, D.T.197547-63EnglishView
467GA72ENGoren, A.Excavations in NawamisHadashot Archaeologiot41  197246-48HebrewView
509GA76WJGoren, A. and Zas, BWadi JibalHadashot Archaeologiot57  197646-47HebrewView
279LMJ09SLLagrange, M.J.Un Sanctuaire lihyaniteComptes rendus de l'académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres   1909457-463FrenchView
116VM85SDVogüé, M. deLa stèle de Dhme+rComptes rendus de l'académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres13  188545-52FrenchView