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Displaying 311-320 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
640HM89PRWHaiman, M.Preliminary Report of the Western Highlands Emergency SurveyIsrael Exploration Journal39 (3-4)  1989173-191EnglishView
657MZ??PSIMeshel, Z.Proto-Sinaitic InscriptionsDrom Sinai0   174-177HebrewView
327CGC24EPAClermont-Ganneau, C.Les épitropes de la province d'ArabieRecueil d'archéologie orientale8  1924175-177FrenchView
377HM59RRMHarel, M.The Roman Road at the Ma`aleh `AqrabbimIsrael Exploration Journal9  1959175-179EnglishView
99CCR83ATMConder, C. R.Arab Tribe Marks (Ausam)PEF   1883178-180EnglishView
148RW95ONIRudin, W.OM DE NABTEISKA INSKRIFTERNA 0Kyrkl: Tidskr 1895179-182PolishView
97CGC82NMCClermont-Ganneau, C.Notes by M. Clermont-GanneauPEFQS   188218-EnglishView
447TY70MMSTsafrir, Y.Monks and Monasteries in Southern SinaiQadmoniot2  197018/2/2011HebrewView
463NA71NGSNegev, A.New Graffiti from SinaiEretz Israel10JerusalemIsrael Exploration Society1971180-187HebrewView
574FI80NCSFinkelstein, I.The northern coast of the Sinai--Geographical-historical aspectsQadmoniot Sinai Tel Avivha-Kibbutz ha-Meuhad1980181-197HebrewView