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Displaying 421-430 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
159BJ97NGPBarch, J.Die Nabatäische Grabinschrift von PetraAmerican Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatu13  1897267-278GermanView
276LM09ANLidzbarski, M.Aus NordarabienEphemeris für semitische Epigraphik3  1909267-297GermanView
648OB90AIOtzen, BenediktLes objets de la période dite syro-hittite (âge du fer), par P.J. Riis et Marie-Louise Buhl, avec les contributions de Simo Parpola et de Benedikt Otzen. Appendix 2: The Aramaic InscriptionsHama. Fouilles et recherches de la Fondation Carlsberg 1931-1938. II 2.II.2Ko/benhavnThe National Museum of Denmark – Nationalmuseet1990267-318EnglishView
652KR91TIJKotansky, R.Two Inscribed Jewish Aramaic Amulets from SyriaIsrael Exploration Journal41(4)  1991267-81EnglishView
556BB79-3GTWBernstein, B.A Great and Terrible Wilderness - III (Sinai)The New Yorker 39-89Viking Press1979268EnglishView
591AU81NENAvner, U.New Evidence for the Nabatean Presence in SouthernEighth Archaeological Congress in Israel0Jerusalem 198127EnglishView
589SME81SAIStone, M.E.Sinai Armenian InscriptionsBiblical Archaeologist45(1)  198127-31EnglishView
427TRW67SCAThomson, R.W.A Seventh-Century Armenian Pilgrim on Mount TaborJournal of Theological Studies18  196727-33EnglishView
383MP60AARMayerson, P.The Ancient Agricultural Remains of the Central Negeb:Methodology and Dating CriBulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Resea160  196027-37EnglishView
260CJB08IHChabot, J.B.Inscription He, J.17Comptes rendus de l'académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres0  1908270FrenchView