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Displaying 341-350 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
189VM98NEAVogüé, M. deNotes d'epigraphie araméenneJournal asiatique2  1898129-146FrenchView
445RB70ASSRothenberg, B.An Archaeological Survey of South Sinai, First Season 1967-1968. Preliminary RePalestinian Exploration Quarterly102  197029/4/2011EnglishView
446RB70SSSRothenberg, B.Surveys in Southern Sinai, the Expedition to the DHadashot Archaeologiot34  197030-31HebrewView
447TY70MMSTsafrir, Y.Monks and Monasteries in Southern SinaiQadmoniot2  197018/2/2011HebrewView
195LMJ99SBLagrange, M.J.Le Sinaî bibliqueRevue Biblique   1899369-392FrenchView
451AY71KRIAharoni, Y.Khirbet Raddana and its InscriptionIsrael Exploration Journal21  19717/1/2011EnglishView
196CGC00INKClermont-Ganneau, C.L'inscription nabatéenne de KanathaRecueil d'archéologie orientale3  190075-82FrenchView
452GA71ARSGoren, A.Archeological Research in SinaiHadashot Archaeologiot38  197131-32HebrewView
197LM00IKILidzbarski, M.Inscription de Kanatha-'IréEphemeris für semitische Epigraphik1  190074FrenchView
453GA71SGoren, A.SinaiHadashot Archaeologiot39  197130-32HebrewView