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Displaying 131-140 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
517AN77BIEAvigad, N.A Building Inscription of the Emperor Justinian and the Nea in JerusalemIsrael Exploration Journal27  1977140-51EnglishView
518GR77GTSGiveon, R.The God Thot in Sinai-a Decipheration of two InscriptionsNofim8  197724-26HebrewView
519GR77ISSGiveon, R.Inscriptions of Sahure and Sesostris I in Wadi Kharig (Sinai)Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research226  197761-63EnglishView
520GR77TETGiveon, R.Travellers from Early TimesLandscapes8  197714-23EnglishView
521NA77AESNibbi, A.Ancient Egyptians in the SinaiPalestine Exploration Quarterly109(2)  1977125-128EnglishView
522NA77NSJNegev, A.A Nabatean Sanctuary at Jebel Moneijah, Southern SinaiIsrael Exploration Journal27(4)  1977219-231EnglishView
523NA77IWHNegev, A.The Inscriptions of Wadi Haggag, SinaiQedem6JerusalemHebrew University of Jerusalem1977 EnglishView
524WJ77JPCWilkinson, J.Jerusalem Pilgrims before the Crusades 1977JerusalemAriel1977 EnglishView
525NS77AAder Nessessian, S.L'art armènien 0ParisArts et Métiers Graphiques1977 FrenchView
512GRGA76DISGiveon, R. and A. GorenThe 12th-13th Dynasties in Israel and Sinai, New DFourth Archaeological Congress in Israel, Abbrevia0  197614EnglishView