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Displaying 391-400 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
368JA57Jem, A. Antiquities of Sinai2  195734-35EnglishView
369WFV57TINWinnett, F.V.Thamudic Inscriptions from the Negev`Atiqot2  1957130-135HebrewView
370PHFM57OSPrescott, H.F.MOnce to Sinai 0LondonEyre and Spottiswoode1957 EnglishView
371AY58NJAharoni, Y.The Negeb of JudahIsrael Exploration Journal8  195826-38EnglishView
372AY58TREAharoni, Y.Tamar and the Roads to ElathEretz Israel5  1958129-134HebrewView
373AYM58EBPAvi-Yonah, M.The Economics of Byzantine PalestineIsrael Exploration Journal8  195845-46EnglishView
374MJT58NINMilik, J.T.Nouvelles inscriptions nabatéennesSyria35  1958227-251FrenchView
375GE58KFIGose, E.Katalog der frühchristlichen Inschriften in Trier  BerlinGebr. Mann????1958 GermanView
376KCJ58ENNKraemer, Jr., C. J.Excavations at Nessana:Non Literary Papyri 3/1/2011Princeton 1958 EnglishView
377HM59RRMHarel, M.The Roman Road at the Ma`aleh `AqrabbimIsrael Exploration Journal9  1959175-179EnglishView