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Displaying 641-650 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
482SM73AIESharon, M.Arabic Inscription from the Excavation at the Western WallIsrael Exploration Journal23 (4)  1973214-220EnglishView
227LM03NI2Lidzbarski, M.Nabataische InschriftenEphemeris für semitische Epigraphik2  1903251-268GermanView
228LM03RIBLidzbarski, M.Remarque sur L'Inscription Bilingue d'Umm eg+-GemaEphemeris für semitische Epigraphik2  1903336FrenchView
229LM03SKLidzbarski, M.Semitische KosenamenEphemeris für semitische Epigraphik2  190323/1/2011GermanView
230LM03ZBPLidzbarski, M.Zu Brünnow's Provincia Arabia 2Ephemeris für semitische Epigraphik2  1903402GermanView
486BD80BIEBRG????, D.The boundary between Israel and Egypt in an inscription from the year 233 CEQadmoniot25/6  197443-44HebrewView
487GA74EERGoren, A.Early Egyptian Relief in SinaiHadashot Archaeologiot48  197496HebrewView
488GR74EOSGiveon, R.Egyptian Objects from Sinai in Australian MuseumsThe Australian Journal of Biblical Archeology2(3)  197429-47EnglishView
233CSA26NSICook, S.A.Notes on Semitic InscriptionsProceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology26  190472-73EnglishView
489GR74IEMGiveon, R.Investigations in the Egyptian Mining Centers in Sinai, Preliminary ReportTel-Aviv1  1974100-108EnglishView