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Displaying 61-70 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
557DGI79WWGDavies, G.I.The Way of the Wilderness: A Geographical Study of the Wilderness Itineraries inThe Society for Old Testament Study????5Cambridge 1979 EnglishView
138SHA93WFFStewart, H.A. (ed.)The Wanderings of Felix Fabri 0LondonPalestine Pilgrim Text Society1893 EnglishView
653NA91TOENegev, A.The Temple of Obodas: Excavations at Oboda in July 1989Israel Exploration Journal41(1-3)  199162-80EnglishView
444GR69TSKGiveon, R.The Temple in Serabit el-KhademSinai - A Collection of Articles Tel Aviv 196944-50HebrewView
537GR78SSSGiveon, R.The Stones of Sinai Speak  TokyoGakuseisha1978 EnglishView
83CG78SBClermont-Ganneau, C.The Stone of BethpagePalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement   187852-56EnglishView
547FM79SJSFarkash, M.The Slopes of Jebel Sirbal and the Area of Wadi HibSurvey of Nature and Landscape (Seqer teva ve-nof)0 ha-hevrat le-haganat ha-teva1979 HebrewView
546FM79SJBFarkash, M.The Slopes of Jebel BebSurvey of Nature and Landscape (Seqer teva ve-nof)  ha-hevrat le-haganat ha-teva1979 HebrewView
136CRE92NSIConder, Major R.E.The Sinaitic InscriptionsPalestine Exploration Quarterly24  189242-44EnglishView
460RB71SAERothenberg, B.The Sinai Archaeological Expedition (1967-1970)Ariel28  197159-64EnglishView