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Displaying 231-240 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
274JA09IGNJaussen, A. and Savignac, R.Inscriptions gréco-nabatéenne de ZizehRevue Biblique0  1909587-592FrenchView
379JL59IGLJalabert, L. and Mouterde, J.Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie 5/1/2011Paris 1959 FrenchView
113HJ85INMHalévy, J.Inscriptions nabatéennes de Médâin SalihRevue des études juives10  1885260FrenchView
238SRP04INHSavignac, R.P.Inscriptions nabatéennes du HauranRevue Biblique0  1904577-584EnglishView
519GR77ISSGiveon, R.Inscriptions of Sahure and Sesostris I in Wadi Kharig (Sinai)Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research226  197761-63EnglishView
581NA80ISSNegev, A.Inscriptions of Southern SinaiQadmoniot of Sinai, Meshel,Z. and Finkelstein, I. (eds.) Tel-AvivHakibbutz Hameuhad1980333-378HebrewView
506NA75IR5Negev, A.Inscriptions on Rock no. 5 in Wadi Haggag, SinaiEretz Israel12JerusalemIsrael Exploration Society1975132-141HebrewView
105HC84IRAHuber, C.Inscriptions Recueillies dans l'Arabie Centrale,18Bulletin de la société de géographie (Ser. 7)5  1884289-303FrenchView
630CGW87ISGClarke, G.W. and P.J. ConnerInscriptions, Symbols and Graffiti near Joussef PashaAbu-Nahrain25LeidenBrill198719-39EnglishView
41UP56IIRSUspenskij, P.INSCRIPTIONS...SUR LES ROCHERS DU SINAI+ 0Petrograd 1856 FrenchView