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Displaying 31-40 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
8MEW66LWWMontague, E.W.A act of his Journey froPhilological Transactions56  176640-57EnglishView
530GR78LLIGiveon, R.A Long Lost Inscription of Thutuiosis IVTel-Aviv5  1978170-174EnglishView
600FCP82MBGFinney Corby, P.A Monogrammed Byzantine Garnet from CarthageRivista di Archeologia Cristiana4/3/2011Rome 1982383-407EnglishView
313OJ19NIPOfford, J.A Nabataean Inscription concerning Philip, Tetrarch of Auranitis On-Anu HeliopolPalestine Exploration Fund. Quarterly Statement51  1919123-132EnglishView
462NA71NETNegev, A.A Nabatean Epitaph from Trans-JordanIsrael Exploration Journal211971 197150-52EnglishView
548NJ79NITNaveh, J.A Nabatean Incantation TextIsrael Exploration Journal29(2)  1979111-19EnglishView
299CA14NIKCowley, A.A Nabatean Inscription at KhalasaPalestine Exploration Fund and Annual0  1914145-147EnglishView
522NA77NSJNegev, A.A Nabatean Sanctuary at Jebel Moneijah, Southern SinaiIsrael Exploration Journal27(4)  1977219-231EnglishView
267TC08NCHTorrey, C.A New Copy of the High-Place Inscription in PetraJournal of the American Oriental Society29  1908197-202EnglishView
526AS78NDOAgourides, S. and Charlesworth, J.H.A New Discovery of Old Manuscripts on Mt. Sinai; A Preliminary ReportBiblical Archaeologist41  197829-31EnglishView