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Displaying 3131-3140 of 8678 results.
Inscription NumberSite NameMediumLanguage/TypeExecutionPreservationRemarksTranscriptionDimensions 
1478rock 1, Wadi HaggagsandstoneNabatean inscriptionincisedfair בריכ זידו בר אושו ...שו בטב View
1734rock 3, Wadi Haggagsandstonecrosses with inscriptionincisedgood Transcription Not Published View
4806Jebel Muneijat FgraniteNabatean inscriptionincisedpoor Transcription Not Published View
5062Bir Ramhan, Jebel Umm ShumergraniteGreek inscriptionincisedpoorabbreviation of T+[EO]STranscription Not Published View
5830Wadi ShellalsandstoneNabatean inscriptionincisedpoor Transcription Not Published View
6086Serabit el Khademsandstonerock drawingincisedfairanimalsTranscription Not Published View
6342unknown, Sinaicrosses aloneincisedgood Transcription Not Published View
6854Vale of John, ascent to the, Jebel SafsafaGreek inscriptionincisedexcellent Transcription Not Published View
7110Vale of Elijah, Jebel MusagraniteArabic inscriptionincisedexcellent Transcription Not Published View
8134Monastery of the Cross, JerusalemRussian inscriptionincisedpoor Transcription Not Published View