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Displaying 341-350 of 8678 results.
Inscription NumberSite NameMediumLanguage/TypeExecutionPreservationRemarksTranscriptionDimensions 
4249Church of the Holy Sepulchrevaried crosseschiselledexcellent Transcription Not Published View
6297Wadi IslagraniteNabatean inscriptionincisedexcellent Transcription Not Published View
6553Entrance 1, Church of the Holy Sepulchrecrosses with inscriptionincisedexcellent Transcription Not Published View
6809Entrance 5, Church of the Holy Sepulchrecrosses with inscriptionincisedexcellent Transcription Not Published View
1946Wadi MukatabsandstoneNabatean inscriptionunknownexcellent שלמ פצי בר בטב / קשטו ושלמ View
5018Wadi TueibasandstoneArabic inscriptionincisedexcellent Transcription Not Published View
5786Wadi ShellalsandstoneNabatean inscriptionincisedexcellent Transcription Not Published View
6042unknown, Sinairock drawingincisedexcellentanimalsTranscription Not Published View
6810Entrance 5, Church of the Holy Sepulchrecrosses aloneincisedexcellent Transcription Not Published View
4251pillar B7, Church of the NativityArmenian inscriptionscratchedexcellent Transcription Not Published2 x 9 cm.View