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Displaying 3781-3790 of 8678 results.
Inscription NumberSite NameMediumLanguage/TypeExecutionPreservationRemarksTranscriptionDimensions 
7579Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. KarkomlimestoneOld North Arabic inscriptionscratchedgood Transcription Not Published View
7580Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestonerock drawingincisedexcellentibexes, unidentified signsTranscription Not Published View
7581Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestonerock drawingincisedgoodhuman with bow and arrow, dog, ibexTranscription Not Published View
7582Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. KarkomlimestoneOld North Arabic inscriptionincisedgoodtwo signsTranscription Not Published11 x 6 cm.View
7583Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. KarkomlimestoneOld North Arabic inscriptionincisedexcellentfour signsTranscription Not Published20 x 22 cmView
7584Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestonerock drawingincisedgoodibex, unidentified signsTranscription Not Published View
7585Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestoneunidentified inscriptionincisedpoor Transcription Not Published View
7586Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestonecrosses aloneincisedexcellent Transcription Not Published View
7587Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestoneunidentified signsincisedexcellentperhaps an inscriptionTranscription Not Published View
7588Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestonerock drawingincisedexcellentlarge complex of rock drawings including ithyphallic man, ibexes, wolves, camels, and unidentified signsTranscription Not Published View