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Displaying 3811-3820 of 8678 results.
Inscription NumberSite NameMediumLanguage/TypeExecutionPreservationRemarksTranscriptionDimensions 
5547Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestoneunidentified signsincisedexcellentcirclesTranscription Not Published View
5548Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestonerock drawingincisedgoodscorpion and unclear signsTranscription Not Published View
5549Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestonerock drawingincisedgoodcentipede and animalTranscription Not Published View
5550Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. KarkomlimestoneOld North Arabic inscriptionincisedpooridentification uncertainTranscription Not Published View
5551Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestonerock drawingincisedgoodibex and wolfTranscription Not Published20 x 9 cm.View
5552Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestonerock drawingincisedgoodibexTranscription Not Published8 x 8 cm.View
5553Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestonerock drawingincisedgoodscorpionTranscription Not Published View
5554Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestonerock drawingincisedgoodibex, wolf, horizontal lineTranscription Not Published View
5555Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. KarkomlimestoneOld North Arabic inscriptionincisedgood Transcription Not Published10 x 8 cm.View
5556Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestonerock drawingincisedgoodibexesTranscription Not Published View