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Displaying 4871-4880 of 8678 results.
Inscription NumberSite NameMediumLanguage/TypeExecutionPreservationRemarksTranscriptionDimensions 
8608Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestonerock drawingincisedexcellent Transcription Not Published View
7537Nahal Karkom 1, Mt. Karkomlimestoneunidentified signsincisedpoor Transcription Not Published View
7920Mt. Karkom 3, Mt. Karkomlimestonerock drawingincisedgoodvarious animals and signsTranscription Not Published View
7479Mt. Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestone, flintwasems & other Bedouin marksincisedgood Transcription Not Published View
7482Mt. Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestone, flintwasems & other Bedouin marksincisedgood Transcription Not Published View
7502Mt. Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestone, flintrock drawingincisedfairanimals, ostriches, ibex, wolfTranscription Not Published View
7862Mt. Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestone, flintfootstepsincisedgood Transcription Not Published View
7441Mt. Karkom 1, Mt. Karkomlimestonerock drawingincisedfair Transcription Not Published View
7442Mt. Karkom 1, Mt. KarkomlimestoneArabic inscriptionincisedpoor Transcription Not Published View
7959Mt. Karkom 1, Mt. Karkomlimestonerock drawingincisedpoortwo ibexesTranscription Not Published View