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Displaying 6261-6270 of 8678 results.
Inscription NumberSite NameMediumLanguage/TypeExecutionPreservationRemarksTranscriptionDimensions 
869rock 3, Wadi HaggagsandstoneNabatean inscriptionincisedgood Transcription Not Published View
1381Wadi Sihgranite, sandstoneNabatean inscriptionincisedpoor שלמ א... חיו View
1637rock 3 area 2, Wadi Haggagsandstonecrosses aloneincisedgood Transcription Not Published View
5733Wadi ShellalsandstoneNabatean inscriptionincisedpoor Transcription Not Published View
5989unknown, SinaiLatin inscriptionincisedexcellent Transcription Not Published View
6245Wadi Haggagsandstoneunidentified inscriptionincisedpoor Transcription Not Published View
6501St. Helena Chapel 7, Church of the Holy Sepulchrerock drawingincisedgoodshield with five circles arranged in the form of a cross and a diagonal line running from the upper left corner to the lower right edgeTranscription Not Published View
6757Vale of Elijah, Jebel Musagranitecrosses aloneincisedexcellent Transcription Not Published View
7525Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. KarkomlimestoneOld North Arabic inscriptionincisedgood Transcription Not Published14 x 6 cm.View
8293rock 3, Wadi HaggagsandstoneGreek inscriptionincisedpoor Transcription Not Published View